mercredi 7 avril 2010

Tag - 3

d I nI do love a questionnaire, and I nabbed this one from the delightful loveaudrey - one of my favourites. Hop on board and give it a go.

Three jobs I have had:
1. Picking ragwort from fields on a farm. I actually got an amazing tan that summer
2. Pot washer in a cafe
3. Data Analyst

Three places I have lived:
1. Dorset
2. Bristol
3. New York City

Three favourite drinks:
1. a very dry Martini
2. Elderflower cordial
3. Red wine

Three shows I watch:
1. Damages
2. Mad Men
3. Glee

Three places I have been:
1. Japan - my brother lived there for a couple of years so I was able to visit - it was amazing.
2. New York - living there was the best time of my life.
3. Malaysia - beautiful place, beautiful people, delicious food - I love it.

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Nepal
2. USA roadtrip
3. Always reamed of taking the trans-mongolian express one day

Three people who text my regularly:
1. folks
2. bro
3. Mr C

Three favourite old TV shows:
1. Seinfeld - Best. Show. Ever!
2. Arrested Development
3. Sex and the City

Three favourite dishes:
1. Greek yoghurt and honey
2. Steak frites
3. Creme Brulee

Three Makeup products I can't live without:
1. Foundation
2. I could live without the rest, but I must have a perfect smooth canvas or I'm just not happy!

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Having a lie in at the weekend
2. Going to Lisbon at the end of the month
3. On a more long term scale, one day buying (and more importantly decorating) a flat with Mr C

5 commentaires:

  1. Oooh Lisbon, what an amazing city, love their tramways :) xxx

  2. nice blog sweety!!!! I LIKE it!!! i folloW you I hOpe You Fooolllooww me TOooo???
    kissssss from germany ;*)

  3. Your 3 places to visit are interesting. I've been on a USA roadtrip and it's quite boring... lol... but #1 & #3 I want to try too ! I also love Greek yogurt but in a wrap :) Mon Mode Blog

  4. Loved this tag - so I did it too! I even added another category - about 3 life lessons I have learned. Hope you can check it out!

  5. Im having a Lush giveaway for all my fellow beauty lovers! or Have a great weekend!
