dimanche 3 janvier 2010

Tag - getting to know you...

Shamelessly stole this quiz from Lipglossing - a wonderful blog I just discovered today

1. Mood
- relaxed

2. Left or Right handed - I'm leftie!

3. Where do you consider home - this is a tough one. I still find it hard to stop calling my folks' place home..but I do very much also think of home as in London, with Mr C

4. Three things you're grateful for - my family, my boyfriend and my friends. Cliched? Perhaps, but very true.

5. Eyes/Lips/Cheeks - nada. Trying to go without on lazy weekends. My skin deserves a couple of days off too.

6. Have you ever studied abroad? - if only..

7. Do you collect anything? - old cigar boxes, handbags (both vintage and new)

8. Last text you sent... - to my brother.

9. Outfit - cashmere v neck (good old Uniqlo, making cashmere affordable) and jeans

10. Weekly goals - quite a few: get into work early rather than scraping in at one minute to 9, restrict Mocha consumption to once a week, remember to make and take in lunch every day, tidy up a bit, continue the wardrobe purge of clothes I no longer need/wear. Well, that's enough to be getting on with for now.

Happy 2010 everybody! Now, I tag you...

1 commentaire:

  1. Ohh, so true for Mocha... Blenz Mocha with Belgian Milk Chocolate... Have a great Sunday, hun :) xxx
